Friday 10 May 2013

Second Entry

Lead aprons

These heavy things we have to wear in hospital at times to avoid scary radiation blasts from the x-ray machines. Normally they're pretty basic: heavy, green or red in colour, uncomfortable. So I was in theatre one day and we all have to put these things on since x-rays will be taken during the operation. Then I see it, the best damn looking lead apron I've ever seen, and the comfortable was out of this world! (Ok it was still a bit uncomfortable but how it looked made up for that). I put it on and was excessively overjoyed. If the nurses hadn't stopped me I would've walked out with it and never taken it off.

My reaction to getting to wear this thing is a good indicator of how interesting my life was at the time. Which unlike most medical dramas like to depict, consisted mostly of sitting in the library reading and being mad at myself for not remembering the 14th acronym I had created to remember some condition I'm not sure I fully understand. I hate acronyms so much, but darn they can be useful.

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